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Power BI Training

Our 7-week Business Intelligence training is a professional and certified program that will enable you to master the Power BI tool and the fundamentals of SQL programming. Next starting date: September 2nd, 2024. Get your Microsoft PL-300 certification!

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This is what you learn in our Power BI Training

Our 7-week Business Intelligence training is a professional and certified program that will enable you to master the Power BI tool and the fundamentals of SQL programming.
This Power BI training is an online training course in which you can learn from anywhere at any time but still have the benefit of live group mentoring sessions.
A short, flexible 50-hour program, at the end of which you can directly apply the skills you have acquired in your company and obtain a double certification. 🚀 A voucher is included in the course fee to take the exam for the official Microsoft PL-300 certification. 🚀

The Power BI Training is a perfect match for those who want to…

1) Move beyond the limits of Excel

2) Boost their career in Business Intelligence

3) Learn the basics of SQL programming

4) Get a recognized Microsoft Power BI certification

5) Train while working 

6) Learn independently of time and place

7) Benefit from live mentoring sessions with top coaches and fellow students


  • Learn anytime: 50 hours over 7 weeks (100% online learning and 10 hours of live group mentoring sessions)
  • Participants: approx. 15
  • Coach: 1 per course
  • Course language: English
  • Graduation: Certificate of completion is provided at the end of the training and a Microsoft PL-300 certification

Tech Stack

Power BI Desktop
DAX (Data Analysis Expressions)
Data Modeling
Data Visualization
Microsoft Excel
Power BI Service
Power Query
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That's what you will learn

Importing Data and Power Query

Power BI Desktop

Discover the basics of Power BI and Power Query and create your inaugural dashboard with this introductory tutorial. Delve into Excel importation techniques and handy tips, while also gaining a comprehensive understanding of Power Query. This module provides detailed insights into manipulating and transforming data, ensuring its relevance and utility. By the end, you'll know what are the basics of Power BI and develop a strong grasp of Power Query, equipping you to craft compelling and informative data visualizations.

Learn how to convert data and to present them into usable insights

Data Modeling
Microsoft Excel

Learn the art of transforming raw data into actionable insights and presenting it with finesse in this module. Explore techniques such as data joins, concatenation, and segmentation alongside dynamic, interactive filtering methods. Delve into advanced topics including transformations, geographic data analysis, and the methodology behind managing User Stories effectively. Additionally, gain insights into ensuring digital accessibility for your presentations. By the end of this module, you will be equipped with the skills to extract, transform, and present data professionally, enabling you to make informed decisions and drive success in your projects.

Master the art of visualization

Data Visualization

Master the art of visualizing information by employing the appropriate graphics precisely when needed. This module covers various aspects, including selecting the most suitable graphics for your data, mastering both simple and advanced graphic settings, and efficiently publishing dashboards. By the end of this module, you'll have the skills to effectively convey complex information through visually engaging graphics, enhancing understanding and decision-making processes.

Get started with DAX

DAX (Data Analysis Expressions)

Embark on a journey to uncover the fundamental principles of the DAX language, enhancing both your analyses and dashboard creations. This module introduces you to the essentials of DAX, covering its application in functions and the creation of custom functions tailored to your needs. You will explore commonly used DAX functions, gaining proficiency in leveraging them to extract meaningful insights from your data. By the end, you will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to elevate your analytical capabilities and craft compelling dashboards using DAX effectively.

Advanced techniques and optimisation strategies

Data Analysis
DAX (Data Analysis Expressions)

Become a DAX language expert and stay ahead in the world of Power BI with this advanced module. Dive deep into mastering the intricacies of the DAX language, enabling you to unlock its full potential. Learn to leverage Time Table and Time Intelligence functions effectively for sophisticated data analysis and reporting. Additionally, optimize your reports using the Performance Analyzer tool to ensure maximum efficiency. By the end, you will have advanced DAX skills, empowering you to create high-performance reports and stay at the forefront of Power BI innovation.

Learn how to improve your results with data selection queries, filters and conditions


Gain proficiency in SQL for crafting database queries that drive efficient data retrieval and manipulation. This module covers essential topics including data selection queries, filters, and conditions to refine your results effectively. Learn the intricacies of joining multiple tables seamlessly to consolidate disparate data sources. Dive into aggregation and calculation functions to derive meaningful insights from your datasets. By mastering SQL, you will unlock the power to extract, filter, and manipulate data with precision, enabling you to optimize your decision-making processes and enhance your analytical capabilities.

The grand finale - your final capstone project

Capstone Project

In order to apply what you have learned in practice, the final project provides context and time. Here you will work on a real-world business problem. You will have to use what you have learned during this training in order to solve a business problem that we will provide you. In the process, you will apply all your technical and agile skills and learn additional techniques tailored to the project. You have made it. Congrats!

Our partner companies


Really good questions, helpful answers

You still have open questions? Here you will get answers!

There are no prerequisites in terms of knowledge. However, we strongly recommend that you : 

  • Use a PC running Windows. We strongly advise against taking the course on a Mac using a virtual machine.

  • Be fluent in written English for the training course and for the Microsoft PL-300 certification.

  • If you are using your own computer, check with your IT department to make sure you have access to Discord, Google Suite and MySQL.

The Power BI training costs €2,490, but we offer a limited-time early bird price of €1,900.
Ultimately, the price of your Power BI training depends on your chosen financing method. Feel free to contact us and together we will find the right financing model for you.

Skills are validated by and through a variety of educational activities:

  • Individual quizzes, which are validated automatically on our learning platform

  • (End-of-training) Capstone project validated by a coach

  • Oral presentations on technical and non-technical topics

The following additional tools are available for your training: 

  • Instant messaging to communicate with the coach and the rest of your cohort 

  • A videoconferencing tool to join the various mentoring sessions

As a Power BI analyst, your earning potential is quite promising, especially considering the growing demand for professionals with expertise in data analytics and visualization tools. The starting salary for a Power BI analyst typically ranges from €40,000 to €50,000 per year, depending on factors such as location, company size, and prior experience. However, with additional experience and specialized skills, your earning potential can increase significantly. It's worth noting that there's considerable room for growth in this field, and senior-level Power BI analysts can earn well above the entry-level salary. With the right training and expertise, you can seize the abundant opportunities available in the field of Power BI analysis and enjoy a rewarding career trajectory.

The course is ideal for those who want to go beyond the limits of Excel and expand their business intelligence skills. It is also aimed at those who want to accelerate their career and learn the basics of SQL programming. By attending this course, learners can gain a recognised Microsoft Power BI certification and continue their education while working.

Please note: this training does not aim at people who want to acquire the skills required to work as a Data Analyst. We recommend that you choose the 3-month Data Analyst Bootcamp to achieve that goal.

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Simple and affordable

50 hours of 100% online learning and 10 hours of live group mentoring sessions for prices please contact us or have a look about the financing options.

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