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#learntocode with Jan, Head Coach Web Development

13th January 2022

Web Development Head Coach Jan
Jan, our Head Coach for Web Dev, has over ten years of development experience

#learntocode with Jan, Head Coach Web Development

"For me there is nothing better than sharing my knowledge. I look forward to giving the students a good introduction to a big topic and thus laying the foundation for their careers."

Jan, our Head Coach for Web Development, has been gaining experience in the field of development for over ten years - five of them as Head of Technology. He loves sharing his knowledge and teaching students the basic principles they need to turn concrete technologies into useful tools. In this article you can find out what is particularly important to him and what else Jan does!

What did Jan do before neue fische?

After his studies in media production at the TH Ostwestfalen-Lippe, he helped students gaining experience in theory and practice. He also has over ten years of development experience - five of them as Head of Technology. In addition to his experience as a developer, Jan is also co-founder of the brand studio DIO in Cologne, where he takes care of "all-things-technology".

Why did Jan came to neue fische?

Our Head Coach Jan came to neue fische because there is nothing better for him than sharing his knowledge. In doing so, he not only tries to teach web development, but also to teach learning itself. It is important to him that students understand basic principles because this is how concrete technologies are transformed into useful tools instead of being an end in themselves: no tedious learning by heart, but solid basic knowledge and transfer performance. Here, communication skills, interdisciplinarity and soft skills play an important role for Jan.

And what does Jan do in his free time?

To balance things out, Jan likes to let his creative streak run wild by producing music and leading Pen-and-Paper sessions.


Would you like to get to know Jan personally? Then simply apply to for one of our upcoming Web Development Bootcamps in 2023!

Background pattern

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