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Your bootcamp

IT Support Bootcamp
job guarantee

Acquire broad IT know-how to understand complex problems and customer requirements and provide them with the best possible support. The best thing: after successful completion, there is a job guarantee at our partner DIS AG.

Course content

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Become a IT Support person - in the neue fische bootcamp

In our remote-live IT Support Bootcamp, you can join us from anywhere: learn everything you need to know to get started in IT Support from our top coaches. You will learn the most important technical basics of IT, e.g. how to differentiate between the individual operating systems, how to set up and maintain IT systems and how to correctly classify hardware components and technical data. It goes without saying that we will bring you up to date with the latest technology.

In addition to these hard skills, the focus is on customer-oriented work. Keyword: communication! We will show you how to correctly understand and support customer requirements and which working methods are required for this. This will equip you for your first job in IT Support. The best thing: after successfully completing the bootcamp you have a job guarantee!

Turn your customers into fans - in the bootcamp with job guarantee

In our IT Support Bootcamp, we offer you 540 hours of first-class tuition with two top coaches, practice-oriented tasks, 1:1 feedback sessions and career coaching. In addition to all the newly acquired theoretical knowledge and IT know-how, we place particular emphasis on practical exercises so that you feel perfectly prepared for the job. That's why you will also develop your digital team piece at the end of the IT Support Bootcamp, which you can delve deep into a specific topic as a team and gain practical experience.

For whom is the IT Support bootcamp with job guarantee suitable?

The training is aimed at people who have a basic IT affinity so there is no need for special IT knowledge. The prerequisites are good communication skills, willingness to solve problems and enjoy dealing with people. There are no special school or academic qualifications required, except a very good knowledge of the German language.

We promote DiversITy, regardless of gender, sexual orientations, social and ethnic background, etc., and welcome all who are motivated: Let's create experiences! 🌈


  • Full-Time: 12 weeks (Mo – Fr, 9am – 6pm)
  • Participants: 20
  • Coaches: 2 per bootcamp
  • Locations: Hamburg, Frankfurt, Munich or remote (live online)
  • Course language: German
  • Job guarantee after successfull completion
  • Graduation: Certificate "IT Support"

Our coaches

Özgür Özbek

Lead Coach IT Support

Oliver Dohm

Lead Coach IT Support

Tech Stack

MS Windows
Active Directory
Download free info material

The course content, application process, pricing & funding all in one pdf.

neue fische web development Alumni - Josefine Schaederneue fische Web Development Alumni Sophia Müller

Working as a IT Support means being well paid: neue fische start at an annual salary of €36,000-€40,000.


This is what you learn in our IT Support Bootcamp with job guarantee

Customer whisperer wanted: Become a soft skills professional in IT support

Customer-focused work

In the first week of our bootcamp, we lay the foundation for your professional success. We start with an introduction to the crucial soft skills that are essential for a future-oriented work environment. Through practical exercises, you will deepen your skills in customer-oriented work and learn what it really means to respond to customer needs. Furthermore, the job of the IT supporter is examined closely so that you have a clear idea of the tasks and receive challenges in this role. The aim of the week is to give you a comprehensive overview of the working environment and to clarify what will be important in your future position.

IT globetrotter: discover the basics from Windows to MacOS

MS Windows
IT architectures

In the second week you will fundamentally expand your IT knowledge. We focus on giving you a deep understanding of IT architectures, operating systems including Windows, Linux and Mac, as well as the installation and maintenance of these systems. You will gain practical experience in dealing with networks and learn how to set up and manage LAN and WLAN. We also deal with the selection and application of various software solutions. After this week you will be able to find and implement effective solutions and become familiar and competent with the systems that will play a role in your future work.

Hardware Heroes: Build and understand what ticks beneath your keyboard

Mobile devices
IT systems

In the third week we dive deep into the world of hardware. Our focus is on giving you a comprehensive overview of the various hardware systems and the leading manufacturers in the industry. You will get to know the individual hardware components, understand the structure of an IT system and gain insights into the technical specifications and the current state of technology. We pay particular attention to mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, whose importance in everyday and professional life is constantly growing. You will go through technical data sheets, operating instructions and manuals and by the end of the week you will have the necessary knowledge to understand the functionality and structure of the common hardware and be able to discuss it competently.

Support superstar: master the art of IT Support

Work processes
Ticket systems

In the fourth week, we consolidate the knowledge acquired in the previous week by intensively dealing with the tools and programs that will be of central importance in your future everyday work. This week is all about practical application: you will not only gain theoretical knowledge about everyday means of communication such as telephone and email, but also master how to deal with remote access and ticket systems. By actively solving software and hardware problems, you will deepen your understanding of technical troubleshooting and troubleshooting. We work with tools that make your work processes easier and teach you how to efficiently document your performance and use knowledge databases effectively. The aim is to prepare you for the challenges of daily IT operations with a practical approach.

Cloud Captains: Navigate the world of internet-based apps


In the fifth week we will focus on the heart of the modern working world: internet-based applications. The focus is on mobile working, a trend that impresses with its flexibility and efficiency. We explore the necessary requirements for effective remote working, including secure connections through VPNs and the use of cloud-based systems. You will gain insight into the structure and use of virtual rooms and virtual machines, which make it possible to work from anywhere and at any time. This week prepares you to meet the demands of the modern, connected and mobile professional world.

Data protection detectives: secure your IT world from malware and more


In the sixth week we will focus on two essential pillars of IT: data protection and data security. We shed light on the current data protection regulations and their importance for your daily tasks in the company. You will learn how you can ensure the security of data through targeted measures such as encryption techniques, the use of anti-virus programs and the implementation of backups. This week is particularly practical - it's about developing concrete skills in order to be able to optimally support and advise customers, especially with regard to protection against malware and recognizing online fraud. You will be equipped with the necessary knowledge and practical tools to be able to act competently in the world of IT security.

Admins of the new era: become a Windows operating system guru

Active Directory
Solution strategies

In the seventh week you will immerse yourself in the world of operating system administration and services. We define the most common problems faced by IT supporters. By simulating concrete situations, you have the opportunity to analyze and classify them and develop effective solution strategies. A particular focus is placed on the use and management of directory services such as Active Directory. You will learn how to fix common errors and how to respond professionally to user questions and complaints. The aim is to impart practical knowledge in order to improve service quality and provide additional services for customers. After this week you will be well prepared to react quickly and efficiently to problems in everyday IT.

Commandline kings: conquer the world behind the screen


In the eighth week you will deepen your knowledge of essential tools and methods that will make your everyday work in the IT world more efficient. We will show you how to work in a structured manner with technical manuals and instructions in order to quickly familiarize yourself with new issues and implement instructions in a targeted manner. You will become familiar with the command prompt and command line in Windows, learn important commands and abbreviations and practice developing problem solutions based on operating instructions. This week is designed to strengthen your ability to independently familiarize yourself with new tools and techniques and thereby respond flexibly and effectively to challenges.

Digital master's certificate: Your IT career jump with the journeyman's position

Digital team piece
Career Coaching

We are 100% convinced that what is learned is best remembered through practice. That's why we give you in the IT Supporter training the chance to transfer your new knowledge from the first 8 weeks into a “digital team journeyman's piece” - your joint final project as supplement to the certificate.

Our partner companies

Our locations

Study at an on-site campus

Need a change of scenery? Use one of our three locations throughout Germany: Hamburg, Frankfurt or Munich.

To the locations

Digital campus

Study on our digital campus.

Location-independent and flexible: Our remote bootcamps (live online) offer you everything you get at our locations - except the coffee. Check out all the benefits of our digital campus now.

neue fische it bootcamp remote coaching


Simple and affordable

12 weeks IT Support Bootcamp starting from 10.440€*
*for self-paying persons

Education must be affordable. Check out all the financing options now.

Education voucher
Agentur für Arbeit

Pay directly
No problem

To the education voucher
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Information material

The most important info to download

Everything you need to know about our training in one pdf: Content, pricing, funding, and all the details about the application process. Check! ✅


Really good questions, helpful answers

You still have questions about the training, the prices, the financing, etc.? Then take a look here or contact us directly.

The IT Support Bootcamp is aimed at people who have a basic affinity for IT, but no special prior knowledge is required. Excellent German language skills and a solid command of English are required.

Do you also have good communication skills and enjoy working with people? Perfect, then feel free to apply. Not sure if it's for you? Then contact our Admissions team for advice.

The price of your IT Support training depends on the financing option you choose. Our Admissions team will be happy to advise you on this and work with you to find the right path for you. As a general rule, our courses cost €0 with appropriate funding. For self-paying students, the bootcamp price is €8,524.

In this training, our motivated top coaches will teach you everything you need to know to get off to a flying start in IT support. You will acquire valuable knowledge and IT know-how about (cloud-based) applications, IT systems, hardware components and customer-oriented work. In the end, you will be an IT specialist and will be able to understand and implement customer requirements. Further, you will be able to recognize complex IT problems and solve them efficiently.

After successfully completing your IT Support Bootcamp, you can expect an annual starting salary of around €36-40,000. Of course, the salary range can vary depending on your professional experience and industry. Sounds good to you? Get in touch with us directly and we can arrange an initial, non-binding meeting.

Excellent! If you successfully complete the bootcamp, you are 100% guaranteed a job with our corporate partner DIS AG.

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