For case workers


Our swarm Melissa: from recruiting specialist to web developer - a testimonial

30th November 2021

Melissa Web Development Web Developerin CHECK24
Melissa is now working as a web developer at our corporate partner CHECK24

From recruiting specialist to software developer in just three months – a testimonial:

Melissa, who originally comes from the recruiting department, also mastered the lateral entry into IT with neue fische. Immediately after the end of the boot camp, she joined our partner CHECK24 as a junior software developer, where she can now put her acquired know-how into practice and expand it every day. In a short experience report, we learn more about her time at neue fische and her entry into IT - read for yourself in her testimonial: 

Why did you come to neue fische?
I wanted to retrain as a software developer as quickly as possible. Therefore, I ruled out both an apprenticeship as well as collegue for cost and time reasons. In addition, there is often so much learning content that is not needed in practice to work as a software developer. In the end, I was looking for something that would explicitly teach me how to do it. Of all the bootcamps that I looked at, I found neue fische to be the best in terms of content and networking. Further more the other testimonials supported me in my decision process.

What was the biggest challenge for you in the bootcamp?
Focusing on the essentials: You really learn an incredible amount and also have to google and research on your own. It was often difficult for me not to lose focus and get lost in documentation or choosing the perfect background image. At the same time, it is challenging to bring a healthy level of trust in yourself and not to compare yourself too much to other participants. Some simply have more prior knowledge than others. In the end, that often spurred me on to sit down and practice again until 10 p.m.

Would you like to share with us what you liked best about the boot camp in this testimonial?
There's a lot: the vast amount of newly learned knowledge, the team spirit that developed, the varied lessons, a huge network of neue fische (even beyond the end of the bootcamp), interesting companies that you got to know...but also just about every peak you experienced after a piece of code you wrote worked (if only to include an image).

How was the start of the job?
Amazing! I joined CHECK24 after the boot camp and experienced the best induction concept I could imagine. Of course, I was extremely scared at the beginning and I still experience the typical impostor syndrome to this day. But fortunately I came across great colleagues who all had and still have an open ear, a helping hand and a lot of understanding for me. I'm just super happy to have dared the step!

Background pattern

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