Here's how it works
Our career service
in 4 steps

Identify your skills
The sector you come from professionally may be very different from the world of IT - we understand that! In addition to the in-demand technologies you will learn with us, employers are also looking for the skills you already have. With our Learn Management Tool and complementary Q&A sessions, we'll help you identify and demonstrate these 'transferable skills' so you're ready for your new career. We will provide you with a guide, programme management and a career development plan as well as tips and tricks for preparing for your first interview: from creating your first CV for a job in the tech industry to making the best use of LinkedIn and understanding the current job market situation - your individual "Career Journey" is now taking off!

Understanding the job market
Based on their many years of experience, our career coaches will pass on their insider knowledge of the IT world to you. You'll gain a detailed insight into the demands you'll face in your new role and leave with a deep understanding of how to navigate the tech scene. You'll get access to our Learn Management System and AI-powered CV creation tool "Enhancv" for 6 months - giving you access to job-specific templates and engaging, customisable designs to optimize your CV. Twice a week you can ask all your questions in a group Q&A and we will support you with help and advice.

Milestones and successful completion
In the final part of the programme, you will present your final project. You will combine everything you have learnt and practise teamwork and agile workflows to receive your personal certificate at the end of the programme. Our Career Service will give you some final tips to help you get started in your new dream job - because: we love to tech you to the next level!

Networking events to make contacts
At our networking events such as the ‘Career Cupid’, we offer our students and alumni the opportunity to get to know our partner companies and present themselves to the companies as the perfect match for their vacancies.
Whether live and in colour or remotely - you'll find your tech job match here!

Do you have any open questions?
Our heads of educational advisor looks forward to hearing from you:
We tech you
to the next level
Mo - Fr 09:00 - 17:00 Uhr
If you have any questions regarding an internal career at neue fische, please contact us at the following e-mail address: jobs@neuefische.de