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Continuing career education after Corona

19th May 2019

New opportunities for IT professionals in companies after the crisis

How could the Corona crisis affect companies, employees and their careers as well as the job market?

Currently, the Corona crisis is posing major challenges for many companies. But even though there seems to be no end in sight so far, it is advisable for both employers and employees to think about the time after the pandemic. But how might the crisis affect the broader job market, and what opportunities might arise when the economy ramps up again? Why are forward-looking IT training programs so interesting in this context?

How could the Corona crisis affect companies and employees as well as the labor market?

So far, it is not possible to predict with any certainty how the current Corona crisis will change the labor market, as there is still no end in sight. While there was a slight drop in unemployment figures in many regions at the beginning of March, this trend is not expected to continue. With the economy currently almost at a standstill, new hires are holding off for the time being. Instead, companies are trying to bridge a temporary shortage of sales with short-time work in order to at least retain their employees. Short-time working was also increasingly used during the economic crisis around 12 years ago. However, at that time it was mainly industry that was affected, whereas today there is a mixture of structural change, crisis and virus. Accordingly, there are hardly any industries and careers that are not affected by the Corona crisis. Experts are therefore already predicting that the number of short-time workers will be even higher, as was the case in 2008 and 2009. 

What opportunities could there be for employees after the Corona crisis and a return to rising economic growth?

Politicians are clearly backing a strategy of gradually ramping up the economy again. Only when this will occur remains an open question. However, it is foreseeable that numerous companies will be able to record significant economic growth again after the crisis. Accordingly, they are dependent on motivated, committed and experienced employees who can contribute to the fulfillment of the company's goals. Most importantly, the corona virus is already leading to an increase in digital processes. It is becoming increasingly clear to many companies how important digital transformation is for economic survival. Accordingly, it is conceivable that many new positions will have to be filled, particularly in technical professions. So the chances of getting a fresh career start are definitely high, even after the crisis. 

So why is it the right time to think about future-oriented IT training?

There is already a clear digitization push in numerous industries due to the Corona crisis. Many companies are taking the situation as an opportunity to rethink their workflows, distribution channels and offerings and to drive digitization forward in their own companies. More and more companies are also focusing on online marketing activities and e-commerce, with the result that numerous platforms have already emerged that provide digital solutions for delivery services, catering and retail. If there is an economic upturn after the crisis, many new areas of work could emerge for which well-trained personnel are needed. That's why it's already a good idea to consider taking an IT continuing education course. 

Which qualifications could become particularly interesting for companies afterwards? 

As digitization is being driven forward much faster in many companies as a result of the current situation, entrepreneurial success can only be ensured with the right employees. Accordingly, specialists in the IT sector who can score points with relevant knowledge will be increasingly sought after after the crisis. The necessary know-how is imparted in a further training course to become a data scientist as well as in a further training course as a web developer. Other advanced training courses, for example in e-commerce, could also become particularly interesting after the crisis. 

How can such IT training courses affect career opportunities and why?

Continuing education and training in the IT sector is an excellent way to advance your own career. After successful completion, not only does the chance of a higher income increase, but also of an optimally adapted job. Even career changers and dropouts can increase their chances of finding a well-paid job with the help of such training measures. In addition, further training also reduces the risk of unemployment, because if a company has to part with employees, it is usually the less qualified who are laid off. Last but not least, special training courses can help to continuously improve knowledge and to optimally develop one's own soft skills.


In many industries, there has already been a trend toward significantly more digitization in recent years. However, the Corona crisis will significantly accelerate these developments. The crisis may become one of the biggest drivers for digitization, so that new career areas will emerge. Anyone who already takes advantage of the opportunities and trains with us through further education in the IT sector is ideally equipped for career advancement after the Corona crisis. 

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