What do you earn as an UX/UI Designer?
5th April 2024

What factors influence the salary of UX/UI Designers?
The job opportunities for UX/UI designers on the German labour market are currently favourable. Digitalisation and the focus on user-centred design have significantly increased the demand for qualified UX/UI designers in various industries.
Salaries for UX/UI designers can vary significantly depending on various factors such as experience, qualifications, location, company size and industry. Here are general estimates for the annual salary of UX/UI designers in Germany.
Salary of UX/UI Designers
Entry-level (0-2 years of experience):
An entry-level female UX/UI designer can expect an annual salary of around 40.000 EUR to 50.000 EUR.
Intermediate level (2-5 years of experience):
As experience increases, so does the salary. At this stage, the annual salary for a mid-level UX/UI designer could be around 50.000 EUR to 70.000 EUR.
Experienced (5-10 years of experience):
For experienced UX/UI designers with several years of professional experience, the salary could be in the range of 70.000 EUR to 90.000 EUR or higher.
Senior level (over 10 years of experience):
At the senior level, UX/UI designers* can earn an annual salary of EUR 90.000 to EUR 120.000 or more.
It is important to note that these figures are general estimates and that location can have a significant impact. It is important to note that job opportunities and salary also depend on individual factors such as experience, portfolio, skills and specific industry knowledge. A strong online presence, a strong portfolio and continuous training in current design tools and methods can further improve job prospects.
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