
New study: bootcamps alleviate IT staff shortages

17th April 2023

Zwei Personen schütteln sich an einem Schreibtisch die Hände.
​​What does the job market for IT pros look like? We have commissioned a study on this. Here are the results!

IT specialist wanted ... IT specialist not found!

This is what everyday life looks like in the HR department of countless companies. Whether in the big city or in the country, whether in corporations or start-ups: There is a gaping gap in IT staff. And it's not going to close anytime soon. This is shown by the new study that we initiated with Civey, the innovator for digital market and opinion research. Extrapolated, the staff shortage will widen to around 765,000 vacancies in the next two years. By 2030, there will be a shortage of around 140.000 IT specialists in the public sector alone. The demand for IT professionals is constantly increasing, especially in metropolitan areas.

“Only around 9 % of all companies were able to fill their vacant IT positions with external applicants on their own in the past year.”

The consequences are at least as severe for companies as they are for society. As a result, many training positions remain vacant. The already cumbersome and confused bureaucratic paths will not become more agile, let alone paperless, without IT brainpower. Or the topic of data security. A problem that not only causes sleepless nights for data security experts. Your fear: Cyber attacks will become more frequent in the coming years, plus intensify.

Top 4 core statements of our study:

  • Companies suffer massively from IT staff shortage

  • Companies cannot close IT staffing gaps alone

  • Qualified IT training and retraining are effective measures

  • Qualified personnel are particularly in demand in metropolitan areas

IT staff gap overwhelms companies

The current situation overwhelms many companies: Only 56.6% of the companies surveyed effectively retrained their employees in the last year. In metropolitan areas, the picture is even bleaker. Here, over 62% could not get a person fit for digital tasks. The majority of all decision-makers in our study even stated that they were unable to react adequately to the IT staff shortage on their own. Although many know what needs to be done, they fail to implement it. Finally, there are a few challenges to overcome in the current crisis mode: inflation, volatile markets, supply chain bottlenecks, and so on. There is no time for an urgently needed cultural change in the direction of New Work Mentality and Lifelong Learning. Efficiency management in human resources, accelerated hiring processes, innovative further training or even more flexible working models with agile working methods – puff cake. In short: quick help is needed!

SOS: Fast help through IT retraining

The solution lies in a bundle of measures – above all in recruiting new IT talent. The decision-makers know that. But …

“Only 13 % stated in our study that they were able to train their specialists independently. More than 65% of the companies see further training simply outside their area of competence. In rural areas, the balance is even clearer.”

Magic word: “IT bootcamps”

Tailor-made like a suit – these are our IT bootcamps. Because in contrast to the companies, our core competence at neue fische lies precisely in this: training the right people at the right time with the required IT skills. Whether in Data Science, Java Development or UX/UI Design – our trainers train talented people precisely, superfast and super effective.

“We live and love learning. And learning IT, we see in the current transformation dynamics as an opportunity for everyone – people and companies – to face changes resiliently, agilely and with a doer mentality. Let's code!”

There are so many people on the labor market who want to dare to return after a break, or graduates and contract soldiers who have IT potential. It just needs to be woken up. Best with IT bootcamps - the highly effective further training, perfect as quick help for all companies.

“It is also striking that external service providers only play a role for every fifth company. Likewise, several solution strategies are almost never used at the same time.”

So, there is a need to catch up when it comes to retraining and further education in the IT sector. Or to put it another way: Detention and going to school is the order of the day. Here's IT brain power.

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